Wednesday 2 October 2013

Is this the end or merely the beginning of something good?

Why write a blog? Lately this question has been in the forefront of my thoughts and in all honesty I cannot really find the right answer to inspire me to continue posting on Worded Reflections. 

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love writing and posting on this blog, but my question has more to do with posting something worthwhile and inspiring or merely piling on to the vast stack of information and inspirations available to us and am I happy with the thoughts and words I am putting out there...

Today I am putting Worded Reflections under construction, indefinitely, or until I can find the right answers to these questions. I will definitely be back to blog, be it on Worded Reflections or on some new platform with a more specific purpose... WATCH THIS SPACE and lets hope I find the solution to my personal dilemma sooner rather than later!!

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