Monday 7 July 2014

Just another day at the home-office

It is a beautiful, crisp winter's day in Joburg and it is always great to be out and about on days like these! As I so often write, my days consist of trying to successfully balance being a professional architect that delivers a professional architectural service and trying to be the prefect mother and wife to my family.

With a busy schedule, that sometimes keeps me away from the house for longer than planned, there are days where I cannot wait to get home and give my little Antonlief a cuddle. The last few weeks have been particularly busy and I would give anything for a lazy afternoon where I can give my full attention to my boy! I think sometimes because I did not make the decision to fully return to work, with an off site office and fixed office hours, I can easily feel like I am failing as a stay-at-home mom. Mixing playtime with me typing an email / reading a client brief or the like is not ideal, but I suppose I should also realise that the mere fact that I can spend some time with him during the day is a very big blessing!

Everyday spent with this little creature is an adventure and sometimes I wish that I didn't have to juggle him among the other aspects of life. But it is this life that keeps me sane and probably makes me a better (and more interesting) mother to him in the end. Through his eyes I have learnt to appreciate all the small and almost forgotten elements of everyday life again. With him by my side I am learning to be more effective with my time spent in the office or on site and to properly indulge in my free time!

Antonlief the best business partner EVER!

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