Wednesday 29 April 2015

Happy mama

I know its been a while since my last post! Yes my life is a bit fuller since the arrival of little Hendrik, but I certainly can't blame my lack of writing on him. I think I have just been caught up in life - the kids, the husband, work, running a household and savouring every precious moment with my loved ones - specifically my 3 boys!

I cannot put words to the happiness that I experience everyday. Yes there will be times when I want to run away and hide under my bed until the storm is over, but these moments are only faint blips on the rose coloured canvas of my life. My boys are entertaining, challenging, funny, demanding, dependent, loving and oh! so lovable! I cant imagine a life without these three in it!

I am not always content in thinking that my life has changed so drastically in the past 3 years, but I am happy! I am happy and I am grateful! Today I am thankful to be a mama and to be a wife. xxx


  1. What beautiful pictures and words. I die for the pic of your 3 boys. So special. Love to you all xxx

  2. Thanks my dear @franklinspeaking, much love xxx
