Wednesday 21 August 2013

Learning a new dance

After my extended absence from my, what used to be, normal life I am focusing on a new dance. Currently I am busy figuring out how to juggle work, life, family and love in a balanced manner and  one of my main aims is to get a decent grasp on my work again.What started out as stolen moments when Anton was napping or entertaining himself is now becoming a bigger part of my everyday again. At least I am working from home so although I am spending more and more time in front of my computer I do not feel like I am neglecting time with my precious son.

My work load is slowly picking up, but my main focus is currently on a residential project that is already under construction - a very exciting adventure for me and some close friends. I will post a bit more about this project soon.

For now, some inspiration for myself while I am learning the steps of this new dance I call life...

From here

From here

Something I strive for! From here

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