Monday 26 August 2013

Marvelous Monday

Hello dear readers, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are feeling rested and ready for this new week ahead.

This week I would like to focus on a few things in and the around the kitchen. With Anton having started eating solid foods in the past few weeks, the husband providing too much meat for two people to consume from the farm - Kudu, Eland, Impala... you name it, I have it! - I am foreseeing a good few hours in the kitchen.

Can anyone say venison pie, steamed, liquidised veggies, kudu roast or biltong !? Let the cooking games begin!

Although I do like to page through recipe books, read cooking or recipes specific blogs and watch cooking programs, I am not one to strictly follow recipes. I find recipes too regulated and strict, but great for inspiration and sparking ideas; the kitchen is where I like to experiment and play.

A few of my favourite culinary inspirations include:
I love cooking
Whats for dinner

My kitchen_this is where I play!

Perhaps with spring winking at us some of you are less focused on food than on putting on your gym gear, but who said cooking and eating cant be yum and healthy!? More on this tomorrow.

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