Sunday 25 January 2015

being thankful

when i think of the days before the pitter patter of little feet running around the house it feels like light years ago! some days, i must admit, i long for the quiet, calmness of those days, but then again i cant really imagine not hearing those little footsteps, seeing his toys scattered about or even reacting on a distressed "mommy" every now and then.

i think most mothers would agree that its not always easy or fun being a mom, but it is the biggest pleasure in the world when those little arms hug you or that little mouth gives you a kiss. being a mom changed my world, changed me and changed the way our entire household operates. yes the days when it was just the husband and me were filled with a different kind of special, but this is fulfilling and it feels right.

we were blessed with a little blond angel (that sometimes acts like a little devil) and are soon to be parents of two - it feels a bit unreal and overwhelming, but i am ready. i am ready for the late nights, the early mornings, the responsibility and fear of caring for such a tiny, dependent, little human being. i am ready for the arrival of our new baby and waiting patiently to meet him.

as i said earlier its not always easy or fun, but being a mom is what i am meant to be, it is what i want to be and i pray everyday for strength to be patient, caring and loving. i pray for knowledge to always act in the right manner in specific situations and i pray for God's protection over my little family. and i am thankful, always.

not my greatest angle, but how precious is this moment?
my little blond prince. love


  1. This is so beautiful Roch! I want to cry. You are a wonderful Mom. It is a huge responsibility and gift and you take it in your stride and do it all so well.

    Big hugs to you and your beautiful bump.

    1. @Franklinspeaking Thank you my dear T! Was written from the heart, glad you appreciated it :) Big hug! x

  2. So special. And so true true. Thanks for sharing these beautiful thoughts and for being an inspiring mama. xxx
