Tuesday 20 January 2015

that nesting instinct

i think i might have hit the "nesting" phase of my pregnancy, so nursery, baby, de-cluttering and home organising are a few things that i am exploring and searching on the internet at the moment.

That Nesting Instinct During Pregnancy
Reorganizing the closets, alphabetizing the spice rack, and thwarting dust-bunny breeding efforts under the bed? Welcome to a pre-labor ritual that helps get your home ready for the baby, and helps you pass the time.

today i am writing lists for what needs to be done in the next 5 weeks, making a mobile for the new nursery, hanging pictures, frames and mirrors that have been standing in their new positions for ages now, putting up some shelving and hooks for easier storage in and around the house and starting to sort through some of anton's old clothes to be packed into hendriks's cupboards.

These little animals are the starting point of the mobile that i want to make for the nursery - i will post the end product when it is complete.
i went for a doctor's check up yesterday and all is well with mom and baby - for the time being we are still set for the 26th of february. have a lovely day xoxo


  1. Those animals! That mobile is going to be amazing x

  2. Am I too old for that mobile? Love the animals. Can't wait to see the finished product!!
